Cost: Free, as it was a gift. 10$ shall we say?
Description: A brown stuffed bear, good condition. Contains a wind-up music box type device which no longer works. Cute little guy.
Story: This stuffed bear was a gift to me from one of my mothers co-workers when I was born. It has followed me through 4 major displacements and all things considered is in great condition. The biggest thing that comes to mind about his is that he is one of the very few stuffed animals I have left from when i was born. I named him Kuma, although that was in my teens, so for his days of active service on my bed he was unnamed, although greatly appreciated. His music box was broken mostly because I played his song frequently, although I'm sure I was a little rough with is as well. As kid I never really took good care of my things.
Now little Kuma is one of only a handful of stuffed animals I have left from my childhood. While there are no distinct memories featuring him, he's a calming presence, something familiar that has been around me literally my whole life. Plus, he's a bear, so should I suddenly be attacked by the inanimate, I have in him a sturdy protector that can chase my assailants up trees. Everybody needs a bear on their side.
1 comment:
I took good care of my things, at least the important ones. My baby item is a blue stained glass butterfly. It has been slowly rotating in my window, reflecting its soft light for 23 years.
I don't know where it came from, some forgotten coworker who got into making stained glass for a few weeks I imagine.
I still have my bear too... His name is "Brown Bear".
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