Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What I Want

So it's been a bit of time since my last post here and I think it's about time that I sat down and figured out what is to come: The first attempt here got stopped due to work on plays and frankly that's not something that is ever going to end in the near future so if every play I get behind on will end this project then there is no point in going on. *gasp* However, having recently moved and seen the objects in my life drastically scaled down, I would really like to move this project forward into a second stage, if you will.

What I Own was supposed to look at the weird things that I had amassed over time and see what they said about me: In general, they say that I own too much crap. Apparently I need more. At the moment I am lacking the following:
  • A digital camera
  • A video camera
  • An X-Box 360 (with BioShock and Mass Effect, please)
  • A winterized bicycle
  • More crap that I'm forgetting.

What does the things that we want say about us? Who knows? Why am I even writing this?

I suppose the point of this post is to say that I want to continue and time willing I will do so soon. Also, not having a digital camera makes things a little hard. :P So, hang tight people and you may soon be subjected to yet more of my self masturbatory rantings about things I bought in flea markets.