Description: Black baseball cap with Velcro adjustable headband. Sports a the title of "The Grudge 2". Probably the lamest thing I've ever owned.
Cost: Free with the purchase of some issues of Knights of the Dinner table from Morgana Games. The only price I would have paid for such a thing.
Story: I have a problem that is not uncommon. I cannot say no to free stuff. The problem that arises is that it usually takes me years to finally rid myself of the various crap that I've accumulated with is more than enough time for embarassing situations to come forth. Now, granted, the situations arn't usually amazingly embarrasing (i.e. "No, I only have that dog on midget porn because it was free, uh I mean, not mine, I mean, I'm holding for a friend, I mean, enemy, I mean I stopped it from killing a baby. Yeah. That's the ticket.") but really nobody wants to have to take the time out of their life to explain why they have a "The Grudge 2" hat, even if the explanation is "it was free with some other stuff".
Now, to be fair to the poor hat, it's not completely devoid of any worth. It covers my head adequately and it's comfortable enough. I just don't really think I can condone pimping bad movies. I mean, it's not even a really bad movie, so if I was trying to wear it as an ironic statement, it would be so borderline that people wouldn't even know if you were serious or not. It would be like when somebody makes a cancer joke and then you're not sure if they have cancer or something and nobody really talks for a while and everybody just looks around and wonders how they can start a new conversation without looking like a total asshole. Yeah, that sucks.
So, this hat will probably stick around for a while, probably to be held on to until I give it away to someone whose sense of fashion or irony or thrift exceeds (or is drastically worse, your pick) my own. Until that day, it will remain amongst my other hats, waiting on that day, possibly picking off my other hardware until I have nothing else to wear but it, forcing me into many a social faux-pas. Damn you hat, your evil existence is the bane to my life!
This post really didn't have anything to do with anything. I think it gets a brand new label, "rants". Done and done.
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