Description: According to Amazon.com "Brother PT-65 P-Touch Home and Hobby Labeler with LCD Screen", priced at about . My particular unit is a bit busted up- In particular the back plate is missing a few teeth that are normally used to hold the two ends together. Much like my piggy bank, it is held together with faith more than anything.
Cost: It was a Christmas gift, but the aforementioned Amazon.com page prices it at around 49.50. Works for me.
Story: Several years ago I decided to get my disorganized ass... organized. To that end, I asked for two rather unusual Christmas presents: A label maker and a filing cabinet. While many people laughed at the very notion, once they saw how useful both have since proved, more than a few of my friends have bought their own storage solutions and whatnot. Yeah, you'd think I got enough of this crap at the library, but apparently not.
Anyway, I ended up getting two label makers- Both my Grandma and Erica, my girlfriend at the time, decided to get me one and I found myself at a cross roads. In the end, I went with this model, the cheaper one, as I found it had really all the features I want in a label maker. After having experience using the other model at work, I'm glad with my choice: While the other model had a few more options, the quality of both of them was equal and frankly this guy is the perfect size for me. Big enough not to get lost but small enough to squeeze in to the gaps in my bookshelves or tech drawers, depending on my mood that day.
Nowadays you can find this baby pretty cheap, in clearance bins at your local Staples or what have you: Makes sense to me. These guys really make their money on the tape- That crap is ridiculously expensive and I've found myself buying it in bulk when I find a decently discounted price. You know, kind of like how your mom buys tuna. Anyone? Anyone? Just me, eh?
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