Description: 3 digest-sized graphic novels in excellent condition. The art and size mimics the typical manga style, but the story and content is an awesome mix of Twenty-something angst, video game culture and Canadiana. It's like somebody made a comic based on a mad lib taken from random shit floating around my brain. Too awesome for words. (Except, obviously, the words I've already committed and will commit in the future to describing it. So, uh, I guess I didn't need to say that.)
Cost: The total set came to around $36. WORTH EVERY PENNY.
Story: Working at the library is good for several reasons, but one of the best ones is that I get exposed to all sorts of reading that I would otherwise pass by without notice. Now, granted, this has left me with a stack of books at all times that call out to be read that, in all honesty, I will probably never finish off, but that's really not the worst problem in the world.
Uh, but my point. Right.
Graphic Novels actually work out quite well for me at the library since they don't take nearly as long to read. As such, they make great break reading and are actually the perfect length for my bus trip home on evening shifts. Therefore, I read a whole lot of them- In fact, I have on several occasions read every available graphic novel from my library. Now I've been a little negligent for a few months are there a several that I'm not really interested in, so that had ended that streak. Still, for a while...
ANYWAY, Scott Pilgrim was a pleasant surprise. In fact, when I first picked it up I wasn't really interested at all in it, but I had decided to give it a try. Well, was I ever glad that I did. Oni Press has put out some great books in the past (Geisha, My Faith In Frankie) but Scott Pilgrim is, like, custom made to rock my face. After reading volume 2 I ordered volume 3 off of Amazon (a rare thing for me) and personally hunted down the library's only copy of volume 1. When I spotted Volume 1 and 2 in New York (along with O'Malley's Lost at Sea) I was suddenly 30$ poorer.
I really don't have too much more to say about the series except READ THE DAMN THINGS. I will lend them to you! The library has them! Volume 4 is coming out soon and I couldn't be more pumped! Exclamation!
(Endnotes: Blogger's spell check apparently does not recognize either Canadiana or manga as words. Americana though? Yeah. For shame blogger, for shame. Speaking of shame, this is late. Apologies. The worst part is that I had this post 3/4 finished for days now and I just didn't get around to finishing it off last night. Boo-urns on me.)
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