Description: A Nokia 6100 cell phone (as far as the interweb can tell me) with a fair ammount of damage all around. It sports its third faceplate, which is actually missing the back-plate. No idea where it went. Also has an annoying number pad that is at this point totally worn away. Makes text messaging a bit of a chore.
Cost: $150 (So says my blog at least. Who am I to argue?) plus two additional face plates at $15 a pop, making the grand total $180. Unless I count my air time, which I'm not doing for fear of breaking down in tears.
Story: It took me years to get a cell phone. Yes, like many, I resisted the call of a freeway ride to brain cancer, valuing my privacy and not having to worry about my cell going off in movies and classes (both of which have since happened to more times than I would like to admit) and whatnot. But, eventually, I caved.
My dad was upgrading his cell phone, and so had an extra one just lying around. He suggested that I look into a pay-as-you-go plan, which I did, and finding the cost to be quite reasonable, I decided to give it a try. 15$ a month, and if it doesn't work out I can just drop it like that, right? Little did I know what I was getting myself into. Well, that's actually a lie. I'd seen what happened to people with cell phones for years. I guess I just thought that it would never happen to me.
Fast forward to the present, and I'm on my third phone: You can tell I haven't been upgrading because I'm all up ons on the phone technology: No, rather I had simply lost my first two. Thankfully this phone is doing a decent job of sticking around and it's such an outdated piece of crap that I can't imagine anyone else wanting it. Frankly, I couldn't really get around without my cell right now- It lets work get a hold of me to offer me shifts, whereas before I would usually miss the messages and therefore miss out on the chances to work. It also lets me take auditions as they are offered, something else that I would miss out on before. It also doesn't cost me that much- I'm up to a little under 30$ a month now, which is still comparable to what I'd be paying on a contract, which I'm not doing, which gives me the freedom to stop at any point. Woot.
Here's an aside that might make me look like a bad person: I've used my cell on more then one occasion to avoid uncomfortable situations. I don't want to talk to someone? Oh, I've got a call. I need to excuse myself. It's really quite pathetic sometimes, but there you go. Do other people do this? Or am I just a jerk?
So, in conclusion, my cell phone is crappy, but it works. So now I am one of those guys, who wanders around talking into his palm like an asshole. Oh well.
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