Description: A box of home made wine, White Zinfandel to be exact. 9 bottles in the photo, and I'm pretty sure there are a couple in my fridge. Those are the remains of an original batch of about 26 bottles. Bottled with love. And thrift!
Cost: $100 for the wine and $10 for the bottles. That's one hundred and ten dollars of pure alcoholism! Ahoy!
Story: My friend Kevins mom runs a side business making and bottling wine. After a couple of years drinking alongside him and enjoying his wine, I finally decided to get myself a batch, a decision made all the easier by a student price of $100 for the batch. $4 for a bottle of delicious wine? A whole bunch of them so I'm not likely to run out any time soon? Knowing that nobody spit in your alcohol duing the bottling process? I'm in!
Together with Kevin and his mom we put this batch together and I'm proud to say that I can with no shame bring a bottle out to a fancy party (well, as fancy a party as I'm ever invited to), hand over as a gift to friends or pop open and drown my sorrows in a torrent of wine-y goodness.
Also, having a bunch of wine in your room? Classy.
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