Description: Video game card for the Nintendo DS portable gaming system. Includes box and manual. Excellent condition. Also, Sudoku-tastic.
Cost: 30$ new.
Story: Weird, my first really new item that doesn't really have any long history. What the hell is this story going to be about? I guess we'll see.
When I got my Nintendo DS, I was excited by the possibilities that its touch screen presented. While I, like most, was sketical when it first came out, a succession of excellent games won me over to the system and made me want to play it. Brain Age came out shortly after I finally got my hands on it and I picked it up, a descision easily made since it was released at a bargain price.
The idea behind Brain Age is that your brain needs excercise to stay fit: Therefore it has a succession of activities that do just that, help you flex those mental muscles. When I was in school, I hated doing "Calcule Mentale" (mental calculations), a weekly math quiz that followed me around through several grades. Why is this any different? Well, in some ways it isn't. There is actually an activity which is just that, doing quick math as fast as you can. I guess the real selling point is that while the game judges you on your performance, you have several other areas to work in as well with much more interesting games (Counting people entering and exiting a house for instance, something that gets a little harder when they start flying in and out of the chimney as well as the doors) . Also, the little floating head avatar (of the guy who came up with the idea) is hilarious, with his various barbs and encouragement.
Strangly enough though, I found myself playing it mostly for Soduoku. So yeah, I was using about 200$ of electronics to play that game in the paper.
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