Description: Plush donkey, floral patterns with a blue ribbon on gold painted block of wood. Slightly peeling paper label proclaiming "JENNY 05". Its eyes speak of an untold sadness that would utterly destroy a lesser award.
Cost: Won, so free. Let's call it 2.50$ for it's various parts.
Story: Winnipeg, my hometown, is the proud staging grounds for one of the largest (the second largest, and it's a close race) fringe festivals in North America: The Winnipeg Fringe Festival. Being an actor, it stands to reason that I should throw myself into such a festival with reckless abandon- I have, but for the longest time, I didn't.
I'm making up for lost time: I did 2 shows in '05, 3 in '06 and am currently lined up to do another 2 this upcoming year. But I'm getting ahead of myself: Despite my aspirations towards acting and the festival in general, for years I would fail over and over again to participate. It wasn't until my friend Seb approached me with the first couple of scenes on a play he was working on that I finally got into a project that would go the distance from planning to performance.
Part of the secret was that I was determined to make it happen and having somebody (Seb) to let down drove me onward. Also, I had been told repeatedly by my Prof that year to take part, and so I was set on getting the show done. As time went on I assumed many of the responsibilities for it: Along with co-writing and doing much of the directing, I produced the show, did the publicity and otherwise whored myself out to ensure that my creation was going to be as much a success as possible.
In the end, things worked out pretty well. Seb's couple of scenes became Coffee, a romantic comedy starring the both of us and a handful of awesome friends. While the show was met with mostly tepid reviews, our audiences were very appreciative and plentiful enough to pay everyone off quite decently for their hard work. Even better, during the final night of the festival we were awarded this, one of the annual Jenny Awards.
I'll back it up again: The Jenny is an independent paper that is produced during the festival, which reviews show and posts audience reviews of shows, to essentially serve as a forum for festival goers to share their opinions on the various shows and the event at large. On the last night of the festival, as a sort of closing party, the people in charge of the Jenny take over the Kings' Head Pub (a popular drinking hole right in the middle of the proceedings) and hand out awards while everyone gets shit faced and enjoys the last moments of the festival together. The shows are grouped haphazardly together, usually according to their title (Shows about Jesus! Shows starting with N! Shows that remind me of my horrible childhood!) and the winner is chosen by whichever show gets the most noise upon it's mention. So, essentially it's a drunken popularity contest. But whatever.
ANYWAY, to make a ridiculously long story short(er), we managed to win the "Food" catagory, thanks in large to the help of the cast of my other show that year, the huge-casted Illuminati: The Musical! Seb and I agreed to share the award, although it has been sitting in my room ever since. That's a problem with this project- What if Seb sees this entry and wants it back? He'll have to kung fu fight me for it.
1 comment:
take that hirose the award is mine!
just kidding we both know you deserve to keep it, at least until something better comes along cough *oscar* cough.
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